Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 972

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Necromancer School’s Summoning Genius Chapter 972

The city of Sky Island is in chaos.

Red blood overflows, people evacuate, and screams and screams intersect.

And there was a woman enjoying tea on a high-rise tower, listening to these sounds as music.

He was the general manager of the Holy Federation, the person in charge of the Euclid incident.

“Lethe and her investigators have finally found a new saint.”

Muttering to herself, she put down her teacup and looked at the tragedy outside.

Flutter, flutter—

Right next to her, the decorations on the wall were shaking.

10 decorations, all containing blood.

Among them, the ninth decoration was shaking the most violently.

“Okay, now I can finally sense the power. “The identity of the saint is Number 9 Lisa.”

The bishop stood up and placed the ninth decoration on his hand.

“Lisa was from a minority group in Frisfell, a region in the far north of the Federation. ‘We’ have oppressed and oppressed Freezepel. “If she becomes a saint, there is little chance of her joining our side.”

She put down the decoration and looked up.

“Don’t you think so too?”


The heavily armed Paladin commander, who was standing a little away like a stone statue, answered silently.

“I don’t know about politics. Please give me instructions.”

“I highly value your honesty.”

She nodded with satisfaction and declared in a serious voice.

“From now on, I will declare a ‘war to subdue the devil.’”

The commander’s pupils shook at her words.

“Lisa… no. Isn’t Lisara a saint? The saint was chosen by the goddess…”

“You too have grown old and your eyes have become dull. Let’s see.”

She brought the commander and made him stand in front of the window, then pointed out the window with her fingertip.

“What could that be if not the devil?”

The commander’s gaze also turned out the window.

A naked giant whose aged back skin has dried out and all his bones are exposed, his limbs are long and shaky, and his skin is as red as muscle. It was shattering the building and screaming.

The contrast between the pure white city center of Sky Island and the red-faced appearance of Lisara was even stronger.

“That is the devil.”

The commander’s eyebrows trembled at the sight of the Chief of Staff spouting lies so calmly.

“It’s terrible and disgusting. “We must subdue them as quickly as possible to bring peace and comfort to the residents of Sky Island.”


“Do you remember what I always emphasized?”

Her eyebrows rose.


“…what you see is everything.”

“Yeah, that’s it. It doesn’t matter whether it’s true or false. “The act of believing itself is important.”

She held her back and muttered that before opening her mouth.

“This is ordered by the authority of the Bishop. This is a temple. “Assemble the forces of Sky Island to subdue the devil.”

The Paladin commander bowed his head.

“I will follow your orders.”



Lisara went berserk.

It had been less than a month since she accepted the saint as her true spirit, and she seemed to have no control over the saint’s power. It was running, scattering divinity in all directions.

“Lisa! Wake!”

Simon ran forward and shouted. The moment the divinity fragment, hardened into a lump, was about to fall on the fleeing villager, Simon jumped up and raised his arms.

< Holy Shield >


Simon, who had safely blocked the debris with his divine shield, fell to the ground and shouted.

“Hurry and evacuate!”

“yes! thank you!”

“White! Black! “Fly the people!”

-Nyan! Meow!

A clumsy, materialized wagon was rolling around, transporting the injured people inside. Simon continued to chase Lisara.

“Everyone here has been evacuated!”

Shush! With a sound, Lethe appeared next to Simon. Then she saw Simon’s expression and said,

“Why are you doing that?”

“…this was my mistake.”

Simon bit his lip slightly.

“I just thought I should catch the criminal and talk to him before he runs away. There was no way that Lisara was a saint and would go on a rampage like that…”

“No one would have expected it. and.”

She raised her head.

“Lisa’s runaway was inevitable. “It was just a matter of time.”

“It was only a matter of time?”

“See that unstable nova over there?”

Simon raised his head. The divinity flowing from the body of Lisara, who has become a monster, is crackling and shaking like noise.

“This is evidence that the person’s faith is shaken and their power is running wild. “Everything Lisara did must have been influenced by that runaway power.”

Lisara’s current situation is that her powers cannot be controlled and she is controlled and swayed by her emotions.

As time passed, her emotions would become more and more twisted, and the longer she hid, the more horrific the subsequent outbursts would manifest.

Therefore, it is inevitable.

Simon nodded and then turned to look at her.

“Okay, so what do we do now? Lethe.”

“We need to calm Lisa down.”

She said firmly.

“No matter what she looks like, Lisa is a saint and she is a select student for whom I am responsible. “Holding people responsible for killing Euclid will come later.”

“I agree.”

Simon touched his forehead.

“And based on what we’ve investigated so far, it’s highly likely that it was Euclid, not Lisara, who started the problem.”


When I questioned her, she trembled strangely.

Perhaps, when she feels anxious or threatened, the saint’s power is revealed regardless of her will and she changes into something like that.

And as you can see, when it looks like that, there is nothing visible.

“Euclid must have approached Lisara and done something strange.”

“If you look at what he did to Maricello, it’s clear what kind of person he is.”


The two people stepped on the ground at the same time and launched themselves.

“Anyway, let me face Lisara once again! “I’ll try to convince you!”

“I understand. Well then, for now!”

Lethe, soaring high in the air, swung her right arm vigorously.

“You have to come to your senses first!”

< Shooting Star >

The sky flashed, and dazzling white shooting stars fell on Lisara one after another. Lisara, who was running while destroying the residence and mansion, saw this and put her arms up.


One after another, shooting stars struck Lisara’s now huge body. She said, as if in pain, ‘Aaaah!’ He let out a terrible scream.

[it hurts. it hurts. It hurts!]

A terrible cry, as if the vocal cords were being scratched, rang out. All the windows of nearby buildings were broken, and frightened residents ran away, covering their heads.

[no! I don’t want to see things like this anymore!]

As she struggled and swung her arms, the brick building crumbled like pieces of paper.

[I didn’t become like this because I like it! Why does this only happen to me? Why!]

“I understand the situation!”

Lethe emerged from hiding in one of the falling stars in the sky. As she clenched her fist, star-shaped nova condensed into her fist.

“I will help you come to your senses first!”

The moment she grabbed the power of the star and punched Lisara in the face.


On the other side, Lisara’s fist rushed forward and collided with Lethe’s fist.

Lethe’s eyes widened.



Conversely, Lethe, pushed by force, flew far away and crashed into the mansion on the other side. A nova unfolded behind her, creating a large star-shaped hole in the mansion.

Coo coo coo coo!


Lethe pulled herself up from the rubble.

‘I was pushed out of power! ‘Has the saint’s power been consumed by shape change and physical power?’

After all, a saint is a saint.

Even though it looked like that on the outside, it was quite strong. Lethe rose into the air again and surveyed the situation.

‘You can’t drop a big star in a city like this.’

Lethe’s specialty was firepower, but her power was bound to be limited in Sky Island, a large city where many people lived.


At that time, Simon was running towards Lisara.

He jumped onto the roof and struck a pose with both hands in the air.

< Exorcism >



As the exorcism was performed one after another, Lisara shook her seaweed-like hair and nodded. Then it screamed and poured out fragments of divinity.

“White! “Kamang!”

When Simon opened his arms, the two divine beasts came into Simon’s hands in the form of chakram. Simon swung his arms as he rushed into the pouring divinity.

Sreung! Sreung! Sreung! Sreung!

Simon, who came down to the ground by splitting the fragments of the divinity, rolled around once, performed a fall technique, and then jumped again. At the same time, both chakrams were brought forward.

“Now! Fly!”

Then the shape of the chakram became enlarged and changed into the shape of a chariot. It rushed like a flash and hit Lisara’s abdomen.


It worked.

Lisara, shocked, stumbled and fell to the ground. Soon the huge head turned.

“Lisa, I have something to tell you.”

Simon got off the carriage and approached her. Lisara screamed.

[Euclid! It’s Euclid! You’re trying to kill me again! Ahhh!]

“Now you know. “I am not Euclid.”

Simon grabbed my face and peeled off the skin.

Lisara, who was running wild, stopped.

“Appearance is not important. “The same goes for you now.”


Simon dropped the skin on his face and approached with his arms raised.

“Let’s talk, Lisa. “There was a reason why you killed Euclid, right?”


“It’s not too late. Don’t give up. Don’t give in to your anger. “You can go back to your normal life.”

Simon stared at her with serious eyes.

“tell me. “What happened?”


Lisara’s body, which seemed unstoppable, returned to normal. Soon, bloody tears flowed from her eyes.



Simon’s eyes widened. As she was about to open her mouth, a huge arrow flew at the back of her neck and stuck her.

Blood pours out from the punctured neck. A deflated sound is heard from her mouth.

‘Who would do this!’

Simon’s head turned.

In the distance, a man in robes can be seen setting up a huge siege crossbow on the roof of a mansion.

“I will control the scene from now on.”

My wife’s enemy.

chuck. chuck. chuck. chuck. chuck.

Before I knew it, heavily armed paladins began pouring out around me.



Chains strengthened by divinity flew out and wrapped around her arms. Soon, like a flash of light, a paladin came down from the sky and stepped on the back of her head.


Lisara was pinned to the ground and cried out in pain.

“What are you doing?”

Simon shouted.

“That author is Saint Lisa…!”

“You’re the devil.”

The helmeted paladin spoke decisively and raised his arms.

He was wearing a blue cape symbolizing his status as a commander.

“Isn’t that what anyone sees?”

Simon’s head turned.

Terrified residents were hugging each other and looking at Lisara, who had collapsed trembling.

“The subjugation of demons begins now.”

The Paladin shouted, stepping forward past Simon.

“The army of the goddess is gathering here. This is a holy war, and all soldiers who follow the will of the goddess will destroy the demons hiding on Sky Island.”


Simon looked back at Paladin with a stern face.

‘this person! Even though I knew that Lisara was a saint…’


Lisara, with a hole in her neck and chains wrapped around her body, let out a terrible scream.

The paladins who were approaching flinched.

[I tricked Euclid! I cheated!]

I understand what the situation is.

It was intervention from above.

If it is a saint who is judged to be of no benefit to them, they will kill it and look for the next saint. They will repeat this process until they find a saint they are satisfied with.

I couldn’t just look at that with my eyes open.

‘It’s someone else’s neighborhood and all.’

Simon clenched his hands into fists.

‘It doesn’t matter now….’


That moment.

White hair fluttered to Simon’s side. Simon’s gaze returned.


Lethe flew like the wind and struck Commander Paladin’s cheek. The helmet he was wearing became distorted and his body flew, destroying a nearby ruined house.

“Hey you crazy bastards.”

Lethe opened her eyes blue and expressed her anger. The paladins were shocked.

“What kind of bullshit are you talking about?”

“Saint Lady Seo!”

She started to ‘open her eyes’.

A brilliant nova erupted in the form of a star and covered the surroundings.

[I command in the name of Lethe Chardena, the Saint of the Stars.]

Her divinity was sprinkled brilliantly and spread out around her.

[Everyone throw down your weapons and step back.]



The paladins did not flinch despite the saint’s instructions.


around, the commander Paladin, lifting the collapsed wreckage, stands up unharmed. He took off his helmet and threw it on the floor. One side of his face had turned red, but his expression was stern.

“I can’t do that. “This is an order from above.”


“The battle to subdue demons approved by the Vatican cannot be stopped even if it is under the orders of a saint.”

The paladin got down on one knee.

“The Holy Father will also bestow great grace on the Virgin of the Star who helped us in the battle to subdue the devil.”


Lethe’s head jerked, the veins on her forehead clumps.

In the distance, on the clock tower, I could see the head bishop calmly drinking tea.

‘Is that how it comes out?’

At that time, she gritted her teeth and gathered strength into her fists.


Lisara suddenly raised her upper body and began to struggle. The chains that had secured the building were completely shattered, and the Paladins who had been holding on were taken away.

“Kill the devil!”

The paladins jumped in and cut her down with their swords and fired holy magic. It wasn’t an uproar, but as Lisara struggled, the surroundings were instantly devastated.

‘Lisa was the one who was fine even after being hit by Lethe’s fist. There’s no way you can be easily defeated.’

Thinking so, Simon looked towards Lethe. Lethe was also looking at Simon.



There wasn’t even a need for much conversation.

The two people exchanged signals with their eyes and moved forward.

“If it’s a battle to subdue demons, there’s nothing we can do! “I will help too!”

Simon shouted loudly and jumped up from the ground.

‘You can’t catch Lisara with ordinary Paladin equipment. Among these, the one who is strong enough to kill Lisara is-‘


The huge siege crossbow installed on the roof of the mansion in the distance was aimed at the back of Lisara’s head this time.

Soon empty! With a sound, a huge arrow was shot.


Simon soared into the air and vigorously swung his chakram in the air. The direction of the arrow that hit Simon’s attack changed slightly and hit the wall on the other side.

“ah! I saw it wrong and swung it! sorry!”

Simon said with a big smile. In the distance, I could see the expression on the face of the man who had thrown the crossbow becoming rotten.

“The devil arises!”

Coo coo coo coo coo!

Meanwhile, Lisara fully stood up, took off her chains, and started running away. The paladins were scared and chased after them.


At that time.

The paladins’ steps all stopped.

[If it were a battle to subdue demons, I would have no choice but to participate.]

In the sky.

Countless shooting stars were falling towards Paladin. The paladins immediately stopped walking and opened their mouths.

[Can I help you?]

Lethe narrowed her eyes and lowered her hand.

A shooting star struck the city, sending the Paladins’ bodies flying in all directions. Although it was an enormous attack, it was not suitable for civilians or Lisara. It was also after the people around them had already evacuated.

“Hmm~ The target is well avoided.”

Lethe muttered that and turned her head.

Far away in the clock tower, the bishop of the church, who had been drinking tea, stood up, throwing down his teacup. Lethe looked at that and lightly drew a straight line with her index finger.


A shooting star flew into the clock tower and stuck in it. A cloud of dust rose up from the tower and a loud noise erupted.

“Oops, I dropped it by mistake.”

thud! thud! thud! thud! thud!


Taking advantage of the commotion, Lisara was quickly running away, bleeding. As Lethe laid waste to the surrounding area, the floor in front collapsed, revealing a sewer.

Lisara screamed, stretched her body, and ran away into a narrow gap in the sewer.

“The devil has escaped!”


The paladins broke down the sewer and began to enter.

Soon, Simon and Lethe, who were watching from a distance, mate! and gave a high five.

“Nice lete.”

“You have to repay the keungpan with keungpan.”

Simon crossed his arms.

“So what now?”

“When you spoke to Lisara, you seemed to have come to your senses a little. “We should meet again and talk.”

She sighed softly.

“I guess I’ll just have to hope Lisa runs away well today.”

“After Lisara ran away?”

“Have you forgotten my abilities?”

Lethe put her hands on her hips and smiled meaningfully.

“At night, you can tell Lisara’s location by looking at the constellations. “We will be the first to find Lisa on this island.”


This side took the lead again.

Lethe’s eyes lit up with a serious look on her face.

“Trash who only puts faith in things when it suits them. “It will never be played the way they want. Let’s see who wins until the end.”

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Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy and the Genius Summoner
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Artist: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
After the ‘100-Year War’ between the Necromancers and Priests, an all-time genius who’ll shake the power structure was born. “Am I a rare case or something? Do I have talent?” A potential beyond all imagination. He obtained his father’s undead army and entered the great Necromancer school of Kizen that divided the continent. Geniuses are geniuses, even when gathered among the elites. The research community was flipped on its head by the appearance of a new case. Professors wouldn’t leave him be alone, wanting to make him study directly under them. Officials from all over the kingdom and heads of organizations fidgeted over whether to scout him. “Professor! When can I make a Lich?” “Gimme a break. How talented are you? You’re crossing the line, honestly.” A genius among geniuses had appeared.


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