Level Up Doctor Chapter 388

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Sewon Hospital (3)

“Should I eat meat after a long time? The oriental medicine doctor around here had a drink after finishing CPR. “I think it would be nice to reminisce about old times, right?”

“I have dinner plans with my family, so I don’t think I can do it today. sorry.”

“I can’t help it. what.”

Choi Ki-seok swallowed his regrets and returned home after dropping off Jeong Seol-hwa. My father, who always worked overtime, was at home today for some reason. Thanks to this, I was able to have a happy dinner with my parents.

The dinner table included side dishes such as stir-fried pork and seasoned bean sprouts, and the savory seaweed soup made with boiled pork was the highlight.

He ate three bowls of home-cooked food for the first time in a long time.

“Is it that delicious?”

His mother smiled happily at him.

“It’s so delicious that even if two of us eat it and three of us die, we won’t know it?”

“Well, since I moved to Sudan right after living in the U.S., it’s been a long time since I’ve had Korean food. “Mom will take care of you from now on.”

“thank you.”

Ki-seok Choi finished his meal and talked to his parents.

During the story, I used the Eye of Hippocrates on my parents, and neither of them had any health problems. He was still doing well at work.

“You two can rest. “Please travel the world at least once.”

“It’s harder for me to play. “Time passes quickly and I like working.”

“I feel the same way as your father. “You don’t necessarily work to make money, do you?”

Father and mother rejected his offer.

His parents continued to live the same life as before even after he won the Powerball jackpot.

“I’m going to go to my room and rest.”

After finishing the conversation, Ki-Seok Choi lay down on the bed.

After eating with my parents, it felt more real that I had returned to Korea.

There was no need to speak English from now on.

I was able to see my loved ones at any time and meet old colleagues comfortably.

It felt like my whole body was melting from the comfort my home country gave me.

“bruise. bruise. bruise.”

A general comes into the room and slaps his tail.

Perhaps because of his animal lover title, he approached me and fawned over me even though it had been several years since I had seen him. I quickly picked him up and put him on the bed, and he started rubbing his face against his.

‘It starts now.’

He received the general’s love and checked his future plans.

The reason he returned to Korea.

It was intended to slightly improve the poor environment of Korean thoracic surgery. To achieve this, he judged that simply treating patients well was not enough.

To achieve our goal, we had to constantly create issues about thoracic surgery.

In short, should I say that it deserves attention?

The more people’s attention we get, the easier it will be to improve the environment.

‘I need to get rid of the bull’s horn as soon as possible.’

Choi Ki-seok picked up the cell phone he had left by his bedside and called Jo Ji-hwan.

Jo Ji-hwan answered the phone surprisingly quickly.

“I’m sorry for calling you so late. “It was so important that I couldn’t put it off.”

[no. I was just about to call you, but it went well.]

Jo Ji-hwan took a pause and then continued.

[Even though there was no outpatient treatment, I had a great first day. I heard you performed surgery on a child who ate nitrogen snacks and even did MIDCAB?]

“Do you already know that much?”

[I understand your every move.]

“I didn’t know that the hospital director had stalker tendencies.”

Jo Ji-hwan burst out laughing at his joke.

[When I came in, I came in as I wanted, but when I leave, it won’t be as I want.]

“I hope you will continue to keep that feeling.”

[By the way, what do you want to say?]

“If possible, I would like to appear in a TV program. “Isn’t there a program like Luncheon or My Family Doctor?”

[Surprising. I thought appearing on TV programs was considered pretentious.]

“In the past, that would have been the case. But things are different now. “We need to raise awareness.”

Although Choi Ki-seok is a triple board thoracic surgeon, most people do not know him yet. To ordinary people, he was no different from so-and-so, although he might be a family member of a thoracic surgery patient.

The first goal he came up with after much thought.

It was to raise one’s awareness.

If a star doctor who is popular in thoracic surgery appears, interest will naturally focus on thoracic surgery.

To be honest, it was embarrassing, but now was not the time to choose between hot and cold food.

[good. I will catch it as soon as possible.]

“Thank you. And I have one more favor to ask you.”

[Tell me.]

“I would like to recruit two professor-level thoracic surgeons to Sewon Hospital.”

[Are you by any chance a staff member at Uijin University?]

“That’s not true. “I don’t think it’s right to take out old family members who have already established themselves.”

[Huh… I’m not saying I’m not a staff member at Uijin University… I wonder who the staff you’re bringing in is.]

“I’m sure I have skills, so I hope you pay me well.”

[what. If there are no flaws in your resume, I will accept it.]

“I am sure you will not be disappointed.”

Ki-seok Choi finished talking with Jo Ji-hwan and went back to bed.

So far, everything was going smoothly.

* * *

“This stop is Sosa Sosa Station.”

Choi Kyung-hwan stood up from his seat at the bus announcement.

The steps toward the hospital after tagging the transportation card were particularly heavy.

It’s been three months since I worked as an employee in the administration department.

Coming to work always felt like hell because the job wasn’t right for me.

[Chief Choi Ki-seok, the world’s only triple board thoracic surgeon. Thoracic surgery treatment begins.]

He looked at the banner hanging at the entrance of the hospital and burst out laughing.

A banner like that meant nothing.

Even he, an employee of the administrative department, realized late what the triple board meant.

In other words, it was difficult for ordinary patients to know how great Director Ki-Seok Choi was.

‘what. If I were to say it was great, it would be somewhere in there.’

Choi Gyeong-hwan never dreamed that Choi Ki-seok would build Sewon Hospital.

Although Sewon Hospital is a heart hospital, most patients prefer thoracic surgery at university hospitals.

University hospitals are real hospitals.

This is because there are many patients with this belief.

Isn’t the reality in Korea that there are people who leave local clinics and wait for hours to see treatment at university hospitals even though they have a simple cold or eye stye?

Even if Choi Ki-seok is there, patients will still come to the university hospital.

“So, I thought you said you would start treating patients today?”

Kyung-hwan Choi tilted his head and passed through the hospital lobby and entered the administrative department.

Because work was early, the administrative office was empty.

He wiped his superiors’ desks and the surrounding area with a clean rag and sat down.

Ride, ride, ride.

My hands were busy moving on the keyboard.

The head of the administrative department gave us an assignment to create a manual for the EMR processing process within this month. It took a lot of hard work to meet the deadline.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

A knock was heard and a man and an elderly woman came into the office.

“hello. “This patient said he would like to print a detailed statement of medical expenses. Is that possible?”

“It’s not business hours right now…”

Choi Kyung-hwan checked the name tag on the man’s neck and sucked in a breath.

The man at the center of the Sewon Hospital topic.

Choi Ki-seok visited the administrative office in the morning.


He looked at Choi Ki-seok without realizing it. Choi Ki-seok, who was thought to be in his early 40s, surprisingly only looked to be in his late 20s.

Perhaps because of his young appearance, I had some doubts about his skills.

“It’s not business hours, but I’ll print it out for you specifically.”

“Thank you. They say you are your mother’s employee, so get the documents here and send them to the insurance company. I understand you don’t charge printing fees? Right?”

“yes. you’re right.”

“Oh, thank you, teacher. “I was wandering around because I didn’t know where to go, but thanks to you, I got here quickly.”

“ha ha ha. That’s because the hospital is so large. “Then I’ll just go.”

After Ki-Seok Choi left, Kyung-Hwan Choi gave the patient a detailed statement of medical expenses. As soon as the work was finished, the administrative department employees began to go to work one by one.

“Mr. Choi. “I need to help you at the reception desk today, right?”

Chief Yang Joo-hyung sat down and stared at him.

“Reception? “Has anyone gone on vacation?”

“That’s not true, Chief Choi of the Thoracic Surgery Department started treating patients today. “I think you’ll be very busy.”

“Will the hospital suddenly become busy because of that person?”

When Choi Kyung-hwan raised a question, Yang Joo-hyung pointed outside with his index finger.


His mouth opened like a crocodile as he checked the reception desk through the window.

Although there was a long time left until the registration time, the waiting area was full of patients.

“Could it be that those are all Director Choi’s patients?”

“I asked a few people just in case, and they were right. They all said they came to see Manager Choi.”

“Is Manager Choi such a great person?”

“I did not know?”

Yang Joo-hyuk shrugged his shoulders.

“If you were to compare a thoracic surgeon to an idol, wouldn’t it be Prodigal Boys?”

* * *

Thoracic surgery outpatient clinic.

Choi Ki-seok had tea time with nurse Yoon Se-jeong.

‘What do you like?’

As a result of using the eyes of Hippocrates, Yoon Se-jeong had excellent skills in entertaining patients.

The passive skill called Smile of Joy had the effect of calming patients, and in other treatment statistics, it was not inferior to the nurses in the ward.

It wasn’t difficult to figure out that the nursing department had given it an ace.

“Chief. “I’ll take a moment to check the treatment schedule and then come back.”

“is it so.”

Eventually, when she returned from the outpatient counter, her face turned white.

“The treatment time has already been scheduled?”

“Haven’t we just started accepting applications?”

“yes. That’s true, but it seems like there was a huge influx of patients. “The medical department also called, but there were many patients who returned because they were not able to see the treatment because the time was full.”

“You’re scolded. Is it because it is not elective treatment? “Can’t we just send the patients to another professor?”

“He said he came to see Director Choi and would not accept treatment from other professors.”

“It can’t be helped. Let’s do our best together.”


While Yoon Se-jeong was steeling his resolve, he brought the first patient into the treatment room.

The patient’s name is Park Jeom-rye, 60 years old.

A man who appeared to be her son was standing next to her.

“I came up from Busan to see Mr. Choi. i look forward to.”

“Please take care of me. “Why did you come here because you felt uncomfortable?”

“My mother was diagnosed with aortic valve stenosis at a university hospital in Busan. “I was hospitalized and waiting for the surgery date when a medical accident occurred in the thoracic surgery department of that hospital.”


“Since the medical accident occurred, I never felt like getting surgery there. So, I came up because I wanted to get surgery from the doctor.”

“wait a minute. “Let me check a few things.”

Ki-seok Choi auscultated Jeom-rye Park and looked at the results of echocardiography, Doppler examination, and cardiovascular angiography that had been registered in advance.

“teacher. How is it?”

The guardian, unable to endure silence, opened his mouth.

“You need to be hospitalized right away. “If possible, it would be better to have the surgery within this week.”

“By the way, your mother is old. Would it be okay to have surgery?”

“If it were a general surgery, it would be very burdensome. So, I’m going to try a slightly unorthodox method.”

“Anomalous methods?”

“yes. “It is a sutureless aortic valve replacement.”

Ki-Seok Choi’s explanation continued.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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