Level Up Doctor Chapter 192

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For what (1)

“What’s going on?”

“I was going to rest after the surgery, but everyone seems busy. Mr. Choi, if you have time, would you like to rest together?”

“Okay. Let’s have a cup of coffee on the first floor.”

The two left the ward and settled down at a cafe.

“By the way, Mr. Choi. You’re really amazing.”


“You’ve already become a star on MayJoe. You’ve been recognized by others and covered by the media for saving a suicidal patient. Besides…”

Rahul continued after taking a sip of coffee.

“I heard you’ve already done your first job?”

“You mean the appendectomy? It was an emergency and there was nothing we could do. Most of the residents had gone to a seminar at another hospital.”

“Still, I’m jealous. You were the first among the new residents to successfully perform the surgery.”

Originally, new residents at Mayjo began performing simple laparotomies and appendectomies after one month. However, Choi Ki-seok had already finished the surgery in one week.

Even using a laparoscope.

The most talented new resident is Ki-Seok Choi.

Such rumors were already circulating within the country.

“I’m sure you and the others will follow soon.”

“I hope so.”

“It will happen.”

Ki-Seok Choi drank coffee and stared at Rahul.

Although he is feeling lost now, Rahul is an opponent who can never let down his guard. He had the highest political power among the residents except Choi Ki-seok.

He also expressed his ambition to be promoted early to the higher system.

Should I say that it is the number one object of caution?

While there was a moment of silence, Choi Ki-seok changed the topic.

“What about Indian medical care? I’ve never really heard of it.”

“India’s medical care…”

Rahul stroked his chin.

“It’s not very good. There is a huge shortage of doctors compared to the population density, and most of the hospitals that exist are located in big cities. Many people in our country still die from infectious diseases or pulmonary tuberculosis.”


“But ironically, medical tourism has developed. Compared to other countries, medical expenses are cheaper. So they provide medical visas to foreign people. How about Korea?”

“One of the characteristics of our country’s medical system is that the national health insurance system was quickly established.”


“The national health insurance system was implemented 12 years after the introduction of the medical insurance system. This is something that no country in the world has ever done. Of course, there are many problems because it was implemented quickly. ”


“And this is the same in other countries, but doctors are seriously concentrated in departments that make good money. So, in places like thoracic surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, and urology, there are no residents even in university hospitals. It’s so serious.”

“Ha… It seems like medical problems are serious in every country.”

Rahul let out a deep sigh.

“They say that Cuba has a developed medical system. They say that there is a nationwide free medical care system, even a family doctor, and that medical technology and technology are at the highest level.”

“Cuba? Really?”

“I found out a while ago. It’s so amazing that Cuba has been nicknamed a medical paradise.”

Choi Ki-seok nodded slightly.

The story I heard recently about the level of medical care in Cuba was shocking.

Because the only thing I knew about Cuba was ‘Che Guevara.’

The two had a long conversation on the topic of each country’s medical system.

“Mr. Choi, can you do me a favor?”

Rahul cleared his throat and changed the topic.

“I have a pancreatic cancer scrub tomorrow. Can you stand in for me?”


“I’m sorry I feel like I’m leaving it to you. I don’t think I can do it tomorrow. I’m in absolutely terrible shape.”

“Then I will do it.”

Choi Ki-seok readily answered.

Smith’s surgical assistance is a good opportunity to get a debuff.

There was no reason to refuse.

When I used the Eye of Hippocrates on Rahul, the symptoms of muscle pain and fatigue came to mind.

In fact, he did not look kindly on Rahul asking for scrubs.

So far, no new residents have assisted in Smith’s surgery.

In other words, this pancreatic cancer surgery is the first case.

I thought maybe Rahul was trying to use me as an experiment.

To find out how Smith evaluates the assistance of new residents.

Rahul, who has high political power, could have done that.

If it weren’t for obtaining the Dark Seal.

If he had lied about being sick, he wouldn’t have granted his request.

“Thank you Mr. Choi. I won’t forget today.”

“This is nothing.”

Choi Ki-seok returned to the hospital room after talking with Rahul.

There is still unfinished work left.

* * *

That afternoon.

Choi Ki-seok was in the medical office giving prescriptions to hospitalized patients.

When I wasn’t familiar with E.M.R., I had a hard time even giving a simple prescription


But now I’m so used to it that I can process it with my eyes closed. It is

not that he learned it quickly, but that Meijo’s E.M.R


was very accessible.


I stretched out to cool off and looked around.

An empty room.

Most of my classmates are in scrubs, and my partner Morgan is playing rounds.

Ki-Seok Choi quietly closed his eyes and played the surgery video.

This was my first surgery at Meijo.

The legendary heart-lung simultaneous transplantation.

Even though I was looking back, I still felt the overwhelming emotions I felt at the time.

When can such a difficult surgery be performed?

I wanted to jump through time if I could.

‘Wait… Now that I think about it…’

I opened the status window and

checked the P.P. I had acquired so far.

The current P.P.

is 42000.

A legendary item received from Lee Joo-hee, who was suffering from tetralogy of pallo, beyond time. There are

only 8000 P.P left to use this

. It seemed like

the necessary P.P.

could be prepared within about 3 months.

What abilities will the first legendary item show?

Just imagining it brought a smile to my face.


A call phone suddenly rings.

Choi Ki-seok immediately connected the call.

“This is general surgery Ki Seok Choi.”

[Yes, teacher. This is the Department of Gastroenterology. I’m treating a patient in the emergency room. Please come by for a moment.]

“I’ll come down right away.”

When I went down to the emergency room, a gastroenterologist was talking to a patient.

“Are you this patient?”

“Yes. I took an abdominal ultrasound and CT scan, and it shows chronic pancreatitis. I think I will need surgery at a surgery center.”

“I’ll check.”

Choi Ki-seok sat down and looked at the test results.

Stenosis was found in several areas of the pancreas, and a significant portion of the pancreatic duct was calcified.

Clearly, there seemed to be a limit to medical treatment.

“This is Ki-seok Choi from the general surgery department. Where are you most uncomfortable?”

I approached the patient, Gail, and spoke to him.

“My stomach hurts tremendously. It was bearable for a while, but since yesterday the pain has gotten so much worse…”

Gail frowned and pointed to his upper abdomen.

“Did you lose weight suddenly after the pain appeared?”

“Yes. I think I lost about 5 kilograms.”

“You can’t even have a bowel movement, right?”

Guile nodded vigorously in response to his question.

When the Eye of Hippocrates was used on Gail for confirmation, the patient was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis.

In addition, the condition is an emergency and the outcome is poor.

“Internal medicine doctor. I will take this patient to the surgery department.”

“Yes. Good luck then.”

There was a moment of silence as the gastroenterologist left.

“So do I need to have surgery?”

“Yes. First, you will be hospitalized and undergo additional tests, including endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Surgery will occur in 3 to 4 days at the latest.”

“Dr. Choi. If you’re going to have surgery, that is.”

Guile paused before continuing.

“Can the surgery be postponed until next week? I’m a lawyer and I have an important lawsuit to deal with this week. I’d like to finish that and then have the surgery… Ugh!”

Guile clutched his chest with a painful expression.

“You just answered your own question. Do you know what I mean?”


“It’s impossible to endure this week and file a lawsuit in this situation. You need to be hospitalized immediately.”


“Is the Guile lawsuit more important than your life?”

Gail kept her mouth shut at Choi Ki-seok’s warning.

Amidst the tense atmosphere, a middle-aged woman and a female student approached us.

“Honey! Are you okay? Teacher, where is my husband hurting?”

Guile’s wife asked a question with a worried expression, and her young daughter was held in Guile’s arms.

Choi Ki-seok explained chronic pancreatitis and added that hospitalization and surgery were necessary.

“…Okay, I’ll be hospitalized.”

Gail raised the white flag at the appearance of his family.

After giving the hospitalization order, Choi Ki-seok had Gail and his family talk in the hospital room.

‘Shall we move slowly?’

Choi Ki-seok went around the hospital room, inspecting the patients, and finally visited the surgical intensive care unit.

There was sadness in his gaze as he looked down at Jace.

Jace suffered an acute myocardial infarction during morning rounds.

Afterwards, he received emergency endoscopic treatment at the internal medicine department.

This is because acute esophageal varices occurred as the waiting period for liver transplant lengthened.

Fortunately, the fire was extinguished through medical treatment.

This is because the diagnosis of esophageal varices was not visible as a result of using the Eye of Hippocrates.

‘The person on standby will have to show up quickly…’

Ki-seok Choi left the intensive care unit after giving encouragement to Jace.

But someone suddenly came out of the bathroom and blocked his path.

This is William, Jace’s son.

“Sir. How is your father’s condition?”

“It’s not very good. The longer we delay the transplant, the worse it will get.”

“I will do the liver transplant.”

Choi Ki-seok’s body shook at William’s surprise declaration.

Isn’t this William who jumped up and down and said he couldn’t do a liver transplant?

“Is there a reason you suddenly changed your mind?”

“There’s no need for you to know that.”

William opened his eyes and answered.

“…Okay. Then, we will take a fitness test and if you are correct, you will be hospitalized.”

“Yes. But can I stay here in the waiting room for a little while longer and get tested?”

“is it so. Come back when you’re ready.”

Ki-Seok Choi got into the elevator after breaking up with William.

The reason why William suddenly changed his mind.

I felt like I should hear that from Julie.



When I entered the ward, there was a cold silence.

There wasn’t a single ant in the hallway near the station, and not even the nurses were anywhere. I

thought it was strange, so I tilted my head, but then a loud noise erupted.


The sound hit my ear. It was clearly the sound of a gunshot.

Choi Ki-seok, aroused by tension, carefully moved to the source of the sound.

Morgan and a man were confronting each other in a hallway lined with hospital rooms.

The man was pointing a gun at Morgan and swearing.

Choi Ki-seok belatedly noticed the man.

The man’s name is Rick.

Not long ago, he lost his father during surgery and there was an uproar in the ward.

‘Oh no!’

Just as I was about to take my gaze away from Rick and hide behind the wall to report, I made direct eye contact with him.

“You came just in time. Cuckold Asian. I clearly remember your face too. Come out from behind the wall or I’ll kill you nigga. Quick!”

Rick’s gun was pointed at Choi Ki-seok.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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