Level Up Doctor Chapter 135

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Saber Surgery (6)

“It’s done now.”

At Hyukpil Jang’s words, the nurses turned on their flashlights again.

The only people on the Saber team who know that the two people’s positions have changed are now.

Plan B of Saber Surgery.

This is Choi Ki-seok moving up to first assistant and Kim Tae-sik moving down to second assistant.

It was created by Jang Hyuk-pil to raise Choi Ki-seok when the patient’s condition was not serious and there was no internal or external observation.

Moreover, we are now in a situation where Choi Ki-seok must be promoted to first assistant.

Because Kim Tae-sik’s current assistant is not up to standard.

“From now on, we will begin full-scale left ventricular aneurysm treatment. Scalpel.”

Hyukpil Jang picked up a scalpel.


The blade cut off the stretched left ventricle.

Ki-Seok Choi sucked blood with a suction device and pointed to the border between dead and living tissue with forceps.

Hyukpil Jang nodded and picked up the scalpel again.

Dead or thickened heart tissue fell off due to the unstoppable movements of the hands.

Next, it’s time to fix the ventricular septum.

With the development of left ventricular aneurysm surgery, the immobile interventricular septum is also a target for removal.


In Jang Hyuk-pil’s hands, the damaged ventricular septum was cut into pieces.

But at that very moment.

Choi Ki-seok felt a strange energy welling up from deep in his stomach.


That feeling when watching the surgery video in the morning.

In the sensation of a lucid dream, I feel like Jang Hyuk-pil in the surgery video.

Choi Ki-seok suddenly moved exactly like Jang Hyuk-pil in the video.

First, holding the forceps in both hands, the cut ventricular septal tissue was pulled taut.

He helped with suturing without anyone’s instructions.


Hyukpil Jang tightened the suture needle with a needle holder and sutured the torn ventricular septum.

Ki-Seok Choi’s neat assist accelerated the closing process.

Suture closure of the subsequent left ventricular aneurysm.

Choi Ki-seok held the organization in the optimal position. Just like Hyukpil Jang helped Myungjin Song in the surgery video.

That’s not all.

Even suction, cutting sutures, and other miscellaneous tasks were handled neatly.

As a result, Kim Tae-sik has nothing to do.


Ki-seok Choi muttered to himself as he assisted.

Although I have been steadily improving my surgical assistance skills, I have never or been able to provide such sophisticated assistance.

Now, it was like working with the surgeon rather than simply assisting.

‘what the. ‘Is it okay to do this?’

Jang Hyuk-pil was also surprised.

I thought it would take time to develop Choi Ki-seok into a first assistant. Assisting with Saber surgery is slightly different from assisting with general heart surgery.

Especially when performing encapsulated sutures, which is the highlight of surgery.

However, pinch hitter Choi Ki-seok surpassed Kim Tae-sik.

Is it simply an illusion that Choi Ki-seok’s assistants overlap with my own assistants?

Pabababak. Pabababak.

The surgical lights turned on and off repeatedly with the sound of electricity popping.

It looks like power is about to be restored 20 minutes after the power outage.

“Good. Now the auxiliary battery is dead.”

“Aww. My arm hurts.”

“Thank you both for your hard work. I think you can turn off the flash now.”

“It hasn’t been completely restored yet…”

The nurse stared at the ceiling at Hyukpil Jang’s words.

The inside of the operating room changes from dark to bright with a slight lag.

“Let’s take this opportunity to take a moment to breathe.”

“All right.”

The darkness that came as the flash turned off, Choi Ki-seok and Kim Tae-sik changed places again.

When electricity is turned on, you can see the rosette in the observation room.

A place with internal and external staff.

It is not good for Choi Ki-seok to be the first assistant in this position anymore.

‘It’s a shame.’

Ki-Seok Choi pulled the retractor and licked his lips.

As I changed positions, the feeling of becoming one with Jang Hyuk-pil during the surgery disappeared. My dazed mind became clear, and the feeling of floating around my body was gone.

After the surgery, it was necessary to study the sensations from earlier.


As electricity came on, the rosette became completely bright.

Some staff members frowned and groaned. It took time to adjust to the bright vision.

“The surgery is now in its final stages. Let’s do our best until the end.”


A loud response spread throughout the rosette.

Soon, left ventricular reconstruction was resumed.

“I need to talk to the hospital director.”

Jo Ji-hwan looked at the monitor with his face wrinkled.

What does it mean for a power outage to occur during saber case surgery? Not being able to observe properly also contributed to the frustration.

“Hmm. Professor Song, what do you think is going on now?”

“Honestly… it’s great.”

Song Myeong-jin continued speaking in admiration.

“Once the sac sutures are completed, the surgery is virtually complete. Everyone overcame the adverse conditions well.”

“Then there will be no problem with the patient, right?”

“Maybe so.”

Song Myeong-jin could not take his eyes off the monitor.

The Saber team successfully carried out the surgery despite facing a wall called a power outage. The speed of the surgery was faster than expected, and the accuracy was beyond reproach.

‘You’ve grown even more while I haven’t seen you.’

Song Myeong-jin’s eyes were fixed on Choi Ki-seok.

Choi Ki-seok’s growth was so amazing that his own vacancy was insignificant.

As soon as a power outage occurs, use your mobile phone as a second sense assistant, the best treatment, etc.

If you develop your skills at Meijo, you will become a monster.


The sound of scissors was cheerful.

As the left ventricle reconstruction surgery was completed, the staff’s expressions became much brighter.

Jang Hyuk-pil closed the area that had been opened and dislodged the heart-lung machine.



Everyone’s eyes were focused on the patient monitoring device.

The surgery is successful only if the heart beats properly after the heart-lung machine is removed.

“Professor. I have no blood pressure and no pulse.”

Anesthetist Shin Areum reported the sad news.

“Kiseok will be given IV epinephrine and Taesik will be given a heart massage. Youngho will prepare the paddle.”


The staff moved breathlessly under Jang Hyuk-pil’s instructions.

‘As expected, that day.’

Hyukpil Jang bit his lip and looked down at the patient.

The heart-lung machine stopped for several minutes due to a power outage.

At that time, I could only see that the patient had been harmed. This is because the surgery itself was completed smoothly.

“Taesik. Come out!”

Jang Hyuk-pil bit Kim Tae-sik and held the paddle in his hand.

When the spatula-shaped tool was placed on the heart, an electric current stimulated the heart.

This made my heart flutter, but it was only a temporary phenomenon.

When the stimulation ended, the heart became quiet again.

The struggle to save the patient lasted nearly 20 minutes. Kim Tae-sik and Choi Ki-seok took turns performing thoracotomy heart massage, Lee Young-ho administered epinephrine, and Jang Hyuk-pil administered electrical stimulation.

Before we knew it, the entire staff was speechless.

I am just sweating profusely and concentrating on treatment.

But that is the moment.

thud. thud. thud.

The heart began to beat slightly.

“Professor. My blood pressure and pulse are coming back.”

“Church keeps going!”

Thanks to the team members’ persistent first aid treatment, his vitals eventually returned to normal.

Only then did relief appear on the staff’s face.

Saber’s surgery, which had been controversial and fraught with difficulties, was finally over.

“Everyone worked hard.”

“Thank you for your effort.”

The bright voices of the staff echoed through the rosette.


[Your first Saber surgery was successful. 1000 P.P will be paid

as a reward .]

[New stat team abilities have been opened.]

[Dragon’s Eye has been raised to Lv.3. A new effect has been released.]

A notification passed through my mind frantically.

* * *

That afternoon.

Ki-seok Choi finished his work and went to the intensive care unit.

Min-kyung Moon was treated in an isolation room, but has not yet regained consciousness.

The condition observed through the eyes of Hippocrates was normal.

This is proof that the surgery was completed successfully.

‘Still, you have to pay attention.’

Choi Ki-seok nodded slightly.

Post-surgery care is as important as surgery.

There are many cases where patients die due to lack of care even after the surgery was successful. After the intensive care unit care is over, I will go to the circulatory department, so I plan to ask Seolhwa Jeong for a special favor.

With her skills, she would protect the patient well.

Choi Ki-seok left the intensive care unit and went to a nearby meat restaurant.

After the successful surgery, Jo Ji-hwan hosted a dinner party for the Saber team.

“Why are you so late? Everyone has been waiting.”

When Kang Hana entered the room, she grumbled.

As she said, all the team members except him were gathered.

“Suddenly, an emergency patient appeared…”

“Well, you deserve it.”

“Ki-Seok is the best fantas by everyone’s opinion.

I said everything I could about Choi Ki-Seok, but the team members believed me.

Soon, Jang Hyuk-pil ordered drinks and meat, and the full-fledged after-party began.

“Taesik. You are the only one who will die. Open your face.”

“Ah… yes.”

Kim Tae-sik’s expression was dark despite Jang Hyuk-pil’s point.

“Are you still thinking about the blackout? Shake it off. It’s not your fault.”

“But… I didn’t do anything.”

Kim Tae-sik lowered his head.

After the blackout occurred, his assistive abilities were noticeably reduced. He had been in the

dark since he was a child. Because I was scared.

But when the patient’s life was at stake, such excuses were meaningless. The more I thought about that time, the more helpless I felt.

“Your assistant was great until the blackout happened. It was flawless. And when the power came back, I showed my skills. That’s enough.”


“Let’s have a drink here and shake it off.”


The two people clinked their glasses and took a sip of soju.

“Personally, I was surprised by Mr. Choi’s sense. ”

Shin A-ram, who had been silent, opened his mouth.

“You thought about using your cell phone as soon as the power went out. Everyone was just stomping their feet.”

“I admit that, too.”

Yoo Byeong-se joined in the conversation.

Choi Ki-seok’s response to continuing the surgery was a godsend.

If the surgery had stopped, the patient would not have been able to open his eyes again.

“professor. “Has the cause of the power outage been found out?”

“A problem arose during server replacement, but even the computer team was unable to determine the exact cause. I’m glad there were no problems at other operating rooms. Even if the patient dies, wow.”

Jang Hyuk-pil shook his head in response to Choi Ki-seok’s question.

“I think it might be North Korea’s doing.”

The staff laughed at Yoo Byung-se’s joke.

“By the way, what happened to you? ?”

“Yes? What do you mean?”

In response to Jang Hyuk-pil’s question, Choi Ki-seok shrugged his shoulders.

“Taesik was the first assistant as a pinch hitter. But the way you assisted me looked exactly like me from yesterday? Things like the way to hold the tissue or the way to suction.

” “That… I looked closely at Professor Jang during cadaver practice yesterday, and I think that helped a lot.”

Choi Ki-seok roughly made up the words.

Now. I know what the secret is, but when I explained it, it was nice to hear the crazy guy yell.

“Anyway, you did a good job. Thanks to you, the surgery was completed safely.”

“No. We’ve all worked hard together.”

“Then let’s all toast at this point.”

At Jang Hyuk-pil’s suggestion, everyone clinked their glasses.

Choi Ki-seok emptied just one glass to lighten the mood. As

the glasses were passed around one after another, the dinner party became more and more comfortable.

Kim Tae-sik also felt good. He actively participated in the conversation, as if he had thrown away his burden.

Choi Ki-seok greeted his team members and returned to the hospital.

Min Joo-hyuk was put on duty under Jo Ji-hwan’s instructions, but he did not want to burden him. If

he misses even one day, he is not on duty for 100 days. .Jeeeeee


Suddenly, my cell phone rang.

It was Song Myeong-jin.

“Professor. Didn’t you go to Meijo on a plane?”

[If it’s according to the original schedule, then yes. But I wanted to take the time to check something. Are you still at the company dinner?] “No. I just finished finishing and am on my way


[That’s good. .]

Song Myeong-jin smiled and continued,

[Come to the hideout now.]

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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