Level Up Doctor Chapter 107

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Preparation (3)

‘For now, let’s do as we are told.’

Choi Ki-seok received consent for coronary artery bypass surgery from his guardian. And then I arrived at the operating room, dragging the intern and the bed.

All members of the Saber team gathered in the surgery waiting room.

Is it because they are the people I will be with in the future?

Just having everyone together was reassuring.

“By coincidence, everyone gathered here before the game.”

Hyukpil Jang glanced at his teammates and smiled.

“Let’s think of the scrub as a warm-up before the heart transplant.”

“Hey, Professor. I have one question before surgery.”

Choi Ki-seok asked urgently.


“Isn’t CABG part of Professor Yoon’s part? If he operated on the patient arbitrarily…”

“It’s okay. I contacted you in advance.”

In response to Choi Ki-seok’s question, Jang Hyuk-pil waved his hand as if there was no problem.

Soon, the staff settled into the rosette.

Anesthetist Shin Ah-reum prepared the anesthetic medication behind the curtain, and heart-lung technician Yoo Byeong-se set up the heart-lung machine.

Meanwhile, Kang Hana is displaying surgical tools in a flashy manner.

“Shall we get started?”

A naughty smile appeared on Jang Hyuk-pil’s lips.

“Your seat is over here.”

“Gyo… Professor. No way?”

“Yes. You are the surgeon today.”

At Jang Hyuk-pil’s words, Choi Ki-seok was shocked as if he had been hit on the head with a hammer.

Performing a CABG in the first year of residency…

something that could never have happened was happening right in front of my eyes.

“No… are you kidding?”

“Do you think I’m joking?”

Hyukpil Jang tilted his head and continued speaking.

“I thought you would notice when I told you to come up. You’re not quite a fox yet.”

“I think that’s a little different territory.”

“Anyway, stop nagging and take a seat. The patient is getting worse even when he is fumbling.”


“Are you still feeling pressured? There’s nothing we can do if you’re not mentally prepared. But opportunities like today are rare.”

“No, I will.”

Ki-Seok Choi barely answered and stood in the position of the surgeon.

It is true that I am very nervous.

In the past, I had completed my third year of residency, but even then, I had never performed surgery.

In other words, today is the first day of my life, both in my previous life and in this life.

[The patient is analyzed calmly due to the effect of the frozen heart. Abilities do not drop in unexpected or emergency situations.]

[Applies to colleagues as a cold effect.]

My mind calmed down due to my frozen heart.

Since I chose to become a surgeon, there is no way to avoid surgery. If I cannot avoid it, I will tackle it head on.

‘I’m showing off my skills.’

I bit my lip and made up my mind.

The weight of the name ‘surgeon’ suddenly disappeared.

“The anesthesia preparations are complete.”

“The heart-lung machine setup is complete.”

“The surgical instruments are ready.”

The staff sent an on call for surgery.

The entire Saber team knew in advance that Ki-Seok Choi would perform the surgery. Therefore, everyone completed their work in an orderly manner.


it’s the O.S (operating surgeon’s) turn, right?”

Jang Hyuk-pil’s eyes turned to Choi Ki-seok.

“Mr. Areum, please anesthetize the patient. After the anesthesia is over, I will immediately connect you to a heart-lung machine.”

The staff moved calmly under Choi Ki-seok’s instructions.



He received a scalpel from Hana Kang and cut the patient from the bottom of the neck to the solar plexus.


The skin and subcutaneous fat split and the sternum was revealed.

“Please have Dr. Kim perform the sternum incision.”

“All right.”

Kim Tae-sik began treatment by deliberately using polite language.


When the sternum was cut with a chainsaw, the pericardium appeared, and Choi Ki-seok cut it with a scalpel. Next, Hyukpil Jang firmly held the area to be operated on with a retractor.


With the heart-lung machine running, the turn came back to Choi Ki-seok.

From now on is the time for the real war.

Choi Ki-seok braced himself and used the dragon’s eyes.

The first step in CABG is securing a blood vessel for transplantation.

Ki-Seok Choi selected the internal thoracic artery, which was in good condition, as the transplant vessel.

The internal thoracic artery is similar in size to the coronary artery and has an excellent surgical outcome due to the good elasticity of the artery wall.

“Dissection of the left internal thoracic artery. Scalpel.”

The blade split the rib cartilage and fascia vertically.

Meanwhile, Kim Tae-sik slightly lifted the sternum using surgical tools.

It helps Ki-Seok Choi dissect the internal thoracic artery.


Ki-Seok Choi identified the internal thoracic artery hidden in the myocardial layer and carefully dissected it.

The incision was clean, but a small amount of bleeding occurred during the process.

Accordingly, Kim Tae-sik sucked the blood with a suction device with good timing.

Choi Ki-seok once again felt that practice and actual competition are different.

That you are not alone anymore.

Being together as a team member gave me strength.

“Take this.”

Taesik Kim drilled a hole in one side of the transplant blood vessel and handed it over.

Ki-Seok Choi connected the transplanted blood vessel to the aorta. Although it was my first time doing suturing, I was not nervous.

Rather, I wanted to show everyone the skills I have accumulated over the years.

Meticulous suturing and neat knots follow.

The expression on the staff’s face, who had been worried about Choi Ki-seok’s surgery, gradually eased.


When the suturing was completed, Hana Kang cut the sutures by her side.

“Is it pretty?”

“I know.”

Ki-Seok Choi smiled and confirmed that the blood flowing from the aorta was flowing into the transplanted blood vessel. Afterwards, the remaining side of the grafted blood vessel was connected to the lower end of the stenotic coronary artery.

This completes CABG surgery!

When examining the patient with the eyes of Hippocrates, the condition is normal.

“See. I said I could do it, right?”

Jang Hyuk-pil, who had been watching the operation in silence, opened his mouth.

“I thought it would be possible, but I never thought it would be this successful. CABG is just one year after residency…”

Kim Tae-sik also added a word.

“Then we will close the surgical site.”

Choi Ki-seok took care of the rest.

Eventually, the heart-lung machine was turned off, and everyone’s eyes turned to the patient monitoring device.

All of the patient’s vitals are normal.

Finally, the tightrope-like surgery came to an end.

“Congratulations on your first home.”

“Good job, Mr. Choi.”

The staff gave congratulatory messages.


[You have successfully performed your first coronary artery bypass surgery. Coronary artery bypass surgery mastery increases by 1 level.]

[1500P as compensation.

P and a unique gem are given.]

NEW [Unique: The strength of the suture is doubled.]

“Thank you. Thank you for your hard work.”

Choi Ki-seok bowed his head towards his teammates.

* * *

Hospital rooftop.

Choi Ki-seok was standing on the railing with Jang Hyuk-pil.

‘wow. driving me crazy.’

The tension and joy that I had not felt during the surgery came to me later. I was able to realize once again how powerful the effect of the frozen heart is.

“How do you feel about your first surgery?”

“I’m still dumbfounded. It feels like it’s a dream.”

“I was like that at first too.”

Hyukpil Jang chuckled.

“Professor. Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to perform the surgery, but aren’t you taking too big of a risk?”

Choi Ki-seok asked cautiously.

For the record, the surgeon performing today’s surgery is Jang Hyuk-pil. In other words, if there was a problem while Choi Ki-seok was carrying out the work, Jang Hyuk-pil would take full responsibility.

“Adventure? I don’t do adventures.”


“Do you remember what I said at our first dinner party?”

“I think you said that you consider the result to be important. It seems like you said that it doesn’t matter if an elementary school student makes a hole as long as it is successful…” “That’s right

. I thought you were fully capable of doing CABG. So this isn’t an adventure. the poor.”

Hyukpil Jang added an explanation.

The main treatment of Saber surgery is performed on the left ventricle, but heart valve surgery, including coronary artery surgery, is also performed.

In other words, today’s coronary artery training is also an extension of saber training.

“Anyway, you’re really amazing.”

Choi Ki-seok spoke with sincerity.

There is probably no one in the medical field who can act like Hyukpil Jang.

“I think that superiors should continue to give opportunities to subordinates and teach them. In the long run, it is a win-win solution. But that is not usually the case.”

Hyukpil Jang took a pause before continuing.

“The superiors do not teach the subordinates, but just make them do what they do. At the same time, they teach them little by little their shallow knowledge or know-how. It is a very dirty and dishonorable method.”

“I have the same thoughts as you, Professor.”

“If the Saber team succeeds and I take my place, the field of thoracic surgery will change. Although it may be impossible to change the thoracic surgery field in our country, at least the thoracic surgery department at Uijin University will change.”

After finishing speaking, Hyukpil Jang’s gaze turned to the sky.

“I have one question.”

“say it.”

“I want to know why the professor applied to thoracic surgery.”

“I have the natural temperament of a tree frog, right? All of my seniors and classmates told me not to go, so I got discouraged and applied.”

“That’s unexpected. I thought you had a big meaning.”

“If you start anything grandiose, it won’t last long. Your motivation must be simple.”

“Then do you not regret choosing thoracic surgery?”

“at all.”

Hyukpil Jang answered without hesitation.

“If I had taken the course according to my grades, I would have regretted it. By the way, did you feel anything during the surgery today?”

“I felt two things.”

Choi Ki-seok continued.

“One is that being a team is really important. The difference between practicing alone with a small heart and performing with everyone’s help today was like heaven and earth.”

“What about the other one?”

“I… I don’t know if I can tell you…”

“Screw you. Talk like a man.”

“It made me want to have surgery again. Although I received help from the staff, I am very proud and happy that I took the initiative in treating the patient.”

“This is a surgeon without a doubt.”

Jang Hyuk-pil laughed heartily.

“Okay. If possible, let’s make opportunities like today as often as possible.”

“thank you.”

“Shall we go in now?”


Jang Hyuk-pil looked at Choi Ki-seok, who was walking ahead.

I could feel it instinctively.

If just a little more time passes, this child will surpass himself. No, it will be a mountain that no thoracic surgeon will dare to climb.

* * *

Choi Ki-seok finished saber surgery practice at the hideout and went up to the ward.

My steps were particularly light.

A whistling sound came out of my mouth spontaneously.

After finishing my first surgery yesterday, something changed in my heart.

Although I couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was.

When I arrived at the ward and was examining the patients, I saw Michael fast asleep.

Suddenly I remembered that I had promised to talk to him in Korean.

‘After rounds, I’ll have to take some time off.’

Choi Ki-seok entered the conference room and quickly finished his work.

Soon, a teddy bear was in his hand.

In order to learn high-speed surgery, I had to break 149 more teddy bears.


I took out the needle holder from the bag and tightened the suture needle.

The lightning-like suturing technique that follows.

The arm was sewn with simple continuous sutures, and the chest was sewn with wraparound sutures, the core of Saber surgery.



Jihye Yoon came into the conference room and spoke. However, Choi Ki-seok was so caught up in practice that he couldn’t hear it.

“This is too much. Is this really going to happen?”

Yun Ji-he came over and playfully covered Choi Ki-seok’s eyes with both hands.

“A person came and you ignored me?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I was busy practicing so I couldn’t hear you.”

“Do you think we are still ignoring it enough?”

Jihye Yoon smiled empty-handedly.

Even though his eyes are covered, Ki-Seok Choi is still suturing. As meticulously and accurately as if he were suturing with his eyes open.

Is it doctor Han Seok-bong?

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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