Level Up Doctor Chapter 82

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One Hundred and One Nights (3)

“Patient. I am not a lady, but a doctor.”

“Hey, you’re not a doctor, you’re an intern.”

“Interns are also doctors.”

Jo Eun-ji added without hesitation.


When Choi Ki-seok entered the hospital room, the two people’s eyes focused on him.

“Hey, doctor. My chest has been hurting since morning. It’s hard to breathe right now.”

Go Gil-dong frowned.

Physical strength: 2/10

Main symptom: Difficulty breathing / Chest pain

Painful area: Lung

Diagnosis: Pulmonary embolism Current status: Non-emergency Progress

: Poor

Past history

: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Choi Ki-seok sighed inwardly after checking the condition of Go Gil-dong.

Pulmonary embolism.

This is a disease in which a blood clot (a lump formed when blood clots) blocks a blood vessel in the lungs. It often occurs after surgery and, if left untreated, can lead to shock and long-term death.

It appears that the morning chest pain was a precursor to a pulmonary embolism.

“I think we need to do additional tests. Dr. Cho, check the patient’s blood and take an electrocardiogram. Even a spiral computed tomography (spiral CT).”

“So many tests?”

Jo Eun-ji asked back in surprise.

It seemed to her that the patient was suffering from postoperative indications.

I thought Choi Ki-seok’s instructions were a bit excessive.

“Oh my. What’s really wrong with this hospital?”

At this point, Go Gil-dong joined the conversation.

“Patient management is a mess and they are so obsessed with money that they only want to get tests done.”


“And I was planning on getting a good blood draw in the morning and just skipping it. You’re only a first-year resident. If you don’t know my condition, just say you don’t know. What do you know if you just do tests?”

Go Gil-dong frowned.

“I can see.”


“It means that if you get tested, you can find out why the patient is suffering.”

Choi Ki-seok’s voice was calm.

In fact, he can perfectly see through the patient’s condition with the eyes of Hippocrates.

Still, the reason for testing.

This is to provide a basis for diagnosis for patients and other doctors. Also, through tests, you can learn more about the patient’s condition.

“They say you can do it if you do a test… To my ears, it sounds irresponsible, right? If they don’t find anything after the test, they’ll just say it’s normal and there’s no need to worry.”

“You don’t trust me that much?”

“You have to act trustworthy to be trusted, right? Well, if the test comes back normal, I’ll pay all the costs.”

“Do by that way.”

“Mr. Choi!”

Jo Eun-ji was startled by Choi Ki-seok’s answer. On the other hand, Go Gil-dong smiled in remorse as if he had taken the bait.

“Really? If the test is normal, will you pay the test fee instead?”

“Yes. I will do that. Instead, if any abnormalities are found during the examination, I also have something I would like to receive from the patient.”


“Please bow your head and apologize for calling Dr. Jo a young lady. And please completely trust my treatment plan from now on.”

“That’s not difficult.”

Go Gil-dong smiled, showing his teeth.

‘I never thought I’d throw the bait on my own.’

I was planning to write The Descent of a Tyrant, but I was rather grateful for Go Gil-dong’s suggestion. It is more refreshing to make a patient bow his head and apologize directly rather than subduing him with skills.

“I’ll place an order, so take a CT scan.”


“Don’t worry. It’s nothing you’re thinking about.”

Choi Ki-seok tapped Jo Eun-ji on the shoulder and entered the duty room.

Since it would take some time for the test results to come out, I ordered a late-night snack with peace of mind.

How much time has passed?

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Eunji Jo came into the duty room with a knock on the door.

“Senior. The examination is finished.”

“Thank you for your hard work. The patient didn’t make you uncomfortable, right?”

“I felt uncomfortable because they were so cooperative.”

Jo Eun-ji hesitated and then continued.

“Is it really okay? If nothing comes out of the test results, senior…”

“I have an idea.”

“Actually, you can only find out the patient’s condition through an examination. But now, I feel like my senior already knows the patient’s condition and is only testing to confirm.”

“Isn’t your intuition a joke?”


“It’s okay. Pretend you didn’t hear what I just said.”

Choi Ki-seok chuckled and continued speaking.

“I ordered a late-night snack, so tell Youngho to come up to the duty room.”

“All right.”

While Jo Eun-ji was contacting Lee Young-ho, Choi Ki-seok stared at the monitor.


He sighed and lowered his head, and Jo Eun-ji was busy looking at him.

“Senior. Are the results out?”

“I came out, but…”

Choi Ki-seok scratched the back of his head, avoiding Jo Eun-ji’s gaze.

A look of disappointment was evident on his face.

“No way…”

“Let’s go to the patient first.”

The two left the duty room and walked down the hallway.

The short distance that could be reached in the blink of an eye felt like a hundred meters as long to Jo Eun-ji.

‘For no reason because of me…’

Jo Eun-ji bit her lip as she looked at Choi Ki-seok’s back.

Choi Ki-seok accepted a risky offer for his own sake, having suffered a loss of pride due to the patient.

So I felt like I was responsible for all of this.



“If I have to ask the patient for a test fee, I will also contribute.”

“I am grateful just from the bottom of my heart.”

Choi Ki-seok’s bitter smile caught my heart once again.

“I’m here?”

Go Gil-dong, who was lying down, got up and greeted the two people.

“I made a fuss by getting a CT scan at night, so I guess they found something, right?”


Choi Ki-seok stammered, and Jo Eun-ji stared at him with a sad expression next to him.

“The patient is currently suffering from pulmonary embolism.”

“Lungs… pulmonary embolism? What is that?”

“Pulmonary embolism?”

Go Gil-dong and Jo Eun-ji shook their bodies at the same time.

“It is a disease in which blood clots become clogged and block blood vessels.”

Choi Ki-seok explained about pulmonary embolism, and Ko Gil-dong listened with a mysterious expression.

“Now… are you kidding me?”

“Doctors don’t play with patients’ bodies.”


“As a result of the blood test, the D-dimer level, which is an indicator of thrombosis, is 700ng/ml. The BNP level, which is correlated with heart disease, is 250. The Troponin I level, which increases in myocardial damage, is also quite high. ”

Choi Ki-seok continued speaking rapidly.

“The most important thing is that the CT image shows a blood clot blocking the blood vessel. If you don’t believe me, I will confirm it for you.”

Choi Ki-seok headed to the station with Go Gil-dong and Jo Eun-ji. And a CT photo of Go Gil-dong was displayed on the monitor.

“This is a blood clot that has blocked your blood vessel.”

Choi Ki-seok pointed to a part of the video with his index finger.

At this, Go Gil-dong made a shit-chewing expression.

“How are you?”


“This isn’t a hospital that has crappy patient management and is obsessed with money so they only ask for tests, right?”

He returned the story he had heard from Go Gil-dong in its entirety.

“I… I didn’t know it was like this.”

“I wish you knew now. Now keep your promise.”

Go Gil-dong scratched the back of his head as if he was embarrassed by Choi Ki-seok’s words.

“I’m sorry, Dr. Eunji Cho. I thought I was too comfortable with the doctor and spoke rudely.”

Go Gil-dong bowed his head.

It is not a half-hearted apology, but a sincere apology.

“No. Since you’re sick, you might make a mistake.”

The incident came to an end when Jo Eun-ji received an apology.

“The patient’s embolism is not severe, so please mix heparin (anticoagulant) with normal saline.”


While Jo Eun-ji was gathering the necessary supplies at the station, Choi Ki-seok and Go Gil-dong returned to the ward.

“I’m also sorry to Dr. Choi. I’ve been sick for a long time, so I’ve been going from hospital to hospital, but they always do tests and they don’t find anything, so I don’t like tests that much.”

“I completely understand.”

“Thank you. I had no intention of ignoring Mr. Choi and Mr. Jo. I suggested it because I was also excited about the bet.”


[A new rapport has been formed with Go Gil-dong.]

NEW [Go Gil-dong (patient): Stage 2 – Faith]

A notification crossed my head.

Choi Ki-seok felt fortunate that he did not use Descent of the Tyrant.

The Tyrant’s Descent is a skill that literally forcibly subdues the patient.

If you use Tyrant’s Descent even once, you will not be able to build rapport with that patient.

“Then rest comfortably, and if you have any discomfort, please let me know at any time.”

Choi Ki-seok said hello and returned to the duty room.

When I arrived, Lee Young-ho had finished setting up a late-night snack and was reading a medical book.

“Are you done already?”

“I’m usually a bit fast.”

Youngho Lee joked. And after putting away the book I was reading, I sat down in front of the food.

At perfect timing, Jo Eun-ji came into the duty room.

“Senior! What is it!”

Jo Eun-ji crossed her arms and looked at Choi Ki-seok.


“If the test results came back good, why did you pretend that it wasn’t for me? I was surprised.”

Eunji Jo pursed her lips and grumbled.

I don’t know how much I was worried about his acting.

If the test results come out wrong, you have to pay the test fee.

If a claim was made there, he could have been sufficiently disciplined.

“I was trying to surprise you.”

“I don’t know!”

“Anyway, it worked out well. Let’s have a late-night snack.”

Choi Ki-seok sat Jo Eun-ji down and started eating a late-night snack.

I always had a late night snack led by Minjoo-hyuk. Now he is in the position of having a late-night snack with the interns.

I felt strange when my position changed.

“Senior. I want to hear the story about the time he had a thoracentesis.”

Lee Young-ho stared at Choi Ki-seok with sparkling eyes.

“It’s okay. Don’t ask that.”

“Why? That’s the beginning of the legend.”

Lee Yeong-ho continued speaking while pretending to make a sound.

“I think it was really cool. You did what everyone else said you couldn’t do, but you did it.”

“Are you sure… you’re not trying to imitate me?”

“Isn’t that what you should do if the same situation comes up?”

“You and I are different.”

Choi Ki-seok smiled bitterly.

The reason he was able to perform a thoracentesis without hesitation.

One of them is that he recognized that the patient had a pneumothorax with the eyes of Hippocrates, and the other is that he had the ability to perform a paracentesis because he had taken a three-year course in the past.

Usually, it is dangerous for interns to imitate him.

“I graduated at the top of my class. Even during PK, I was praised for my excellent kills.”

“That and that are different.”

When Choi Ki-seok spoke clearly, Lee Young-ho remained silent.

While there was a moment of silence, Choi Ki-seok changed the topic.

“Do you have any plans in mind?”

“I am… “I want to choose one of Jaeyoung Jeong and go there.”

Jo Eun-ji answered first.

Jaeyoung Jeong refers to the overworked psychiatric rehabilitation medicine, rehabilitation medicine, and radiology departments preferred by medical students.

In the past, Pianseong (dermatology, ophthalmology, and plastic surgery) was popular, but these days, Jaeyoung Jeong is preferred. “I want to go into surgery. ”

“I’m planning to decide after attending thoracic surgery this month, then neurosurgery and colon surgery.”

“Surgery? That’s unique.”

“I like working with my hands. I felt like I was directly treating the patient…”

“Yes. Do your best.”

“Yes. I will definitely become a hot and cool doctor like my senior.”

“Don’t say such embarrassing things.”

Jo Eun-ji and Lee Young-ho burst into laughter at Choi Ki-seok’s words.

* * *

The next day.

The morning meeting and rounds ended safely.

Choi Ki-seok said He examined his patient with the eyes of Hippocrates and gave the necessary prescriptions.

Afterwards, he went to the neonatal thoracic surgery ward and looked down at a patient. The patient

‘s name was Yoo Seung-chan.

It was a 30-day-old boy. Choi Ki-seok was the attending physician and Kwon Il-soo was the doctor who performed the surgery today. It was scheduled to be done.

The disease that Yoo Seung-chan suffers from is aortic coarctation.

Aortic coarctation is an abbreviation for COA (Coarctation of Aorta) and is a disease in which one part of the aorta is congenitally narrowed. In the case of Yoo Seung-chan, aortic

coarctation and ventricular septal defect.

In other words, the prognosis for the disease was not good.


The door opened and a couple came towards us.

They were Yoo Seung-chan’s guardians.

“Sir. Our Seung-chan can survive, right?”

The guardian came over and stared at him, and

the desperation in his eyes pierced my heart.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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