Possessing a Murim Clan’s Youngest Son Chapter 156

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Episode 156. An evil war,

the herbivorous approach of positive swordsmanship came flooding in again.

Han Yi-bi said as she stepped on the retreat.

“Even beautiful and fair martial arts can be used so cruelly!”

At this, Zhuo Buyong snorted and launched an even more fierce campaign.

A terrible murderousness seeped out from his tightly closed lips.

Han Yi Fei retreated one after another and took out the Hanzo sword.

‘He may be a vile person, but he didn’t become a non-partisan long-term man for nothing.’

Yangyi Sword Technique is the basic martial art of the Shaman faction and one of the most spectacular sword techniques.

The essence of the season poured in like a tide.

Han Ibi first defended herself by keeping Hanzo’s sword upright, but the explosive attack continued to the point where it was difficult to even breathe.

From the beginning, Tak Buyong’s determination not to let go of victory was revealed.

Meanwhile, Han Ibi thought as she barely defended herself.

‘As expected, Shaolin and Shaman can be said to be the two great generals of Martial Arts…. They are of a different class from the people who have fought so far….’

If you meet Pung Gyo-gon at a closed training center and teach him Gaesanhyeopryugong. If I hadn’t received it, even the current attack wouldn’t have been easy.

He was heartbroken.

‘It would be more advantageous to use Hongmongdaebeop, but… it is far from being dealt with. My goal is not to overthrow Tak Bu-yong, but to escape from the martial arts world…’

The essence of shaman martial arts lies in pressuring the opponent with a gentle and gentle yet majestic force.

From that perspective, Tak Buyong’s swordsmanship had an insidious and evil side.

But there was also a side that felt even stronger because of that.

After the search battle that lasted for dozens of seconds was completed, Han E-bi was able to relax to some extent.

He said while holding the Hanzo sword, further drawing out the somewhat complex yet magnificent power of Gaesan Goryugong.

“Takbuyong. There are some people who really want to meet you. Is there anyone you can think of? “If it’s okay, from now on I’m going to introduce you to each person one by one.”

Zhuo Buyong said with a sneer.

“For those who want to meet the great shaman’s long book, it spreads out endlessly like fallen leaves on an autumn mountain.”

Kang! Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa!

At that time, the fully compressed inner energy came into contact at one point.

Strength versus strength.

The two swords stopped midway and were struggling with each other.

At that moment, I couldn’t bear the clash of intense energies and stopped…


With a tremendous sound, the bushes that could not withstand the pressure broke and collapsed.

Han Ibi said, somewhat out of breath.

“I can’t even imagine… it’s horrifying. “What if the person you thought you knew best turns out to be a beast and a devil?”


However, Zhuo Buyong did not care and was still releasing the techniques of Yangyi Sword Technique.

Clink, clink, clink-.

A sharp metallic sound filled Eunhyeonbong.

Han Ibi said with a sad expression.

“So, ah… I wonder how our Master Bok felt.”

“Stop that bullshit!”

Tak Buyong suddenly made a move and sharply scraped the upper part of the body.

So, Han Ibi was startled and leaned back, but with a ‘boouk’ sound, her collar was torn again.

Han Ibi, however, spoke without being intimidated.

“How can anyone predict the feelings of a person who has coerced oneself and who has made peace with the person who scared him?”

Then, Tak Buyong finally exploded.

“You fucking bastard. How can you start a fight with your tongue? My husband and I were originally in love. “It’s just that I’m a little enraged because of that, so stop talking nonsense.”

Han Yi-bi said as she turned over again to block Tak Bu-yong’s attack.

“As expected, it’s amazing. After blaming someone else for something you raped… Ah! Wouldn’t he have been proud of his boldness in accepting that hurt woman? “As expected, the next independent Jang Moon-in is different from his magnanimity.”

Then Zhuo Buyong’s face became distorted to an indescribable degree.

At the same time, the offensive of Yangyi Swordsmanship became more subversive.

A complicated swordsmanship with no room to add a single hair.

Tak Bu-yong’s sword became the male sword Dosan Geomrim and was putting pressure on Han Ibi.

At that time, Han Ibi said.

“It is truly a rare and flashy herbivore. But Master Bok taught me. “It is always advanced simplicity that overcomes complexity.”

Then he added in a whisper.

“Kids who can’t study always solve problems with difficulty.”

Han Yi-bi suddenly viciously stabbed her with her sword about a dozen times.

Then, Tak Buyong also had no choice but to defend himself to some extent.

Han Yi-bi took advantage of the gap and performed a rear somersault in a jong-ri pyo-pyo move, landing on the ground and assuming a horseback riding stance.

White steam was rising from its mouth due to the majestic energy of Gaesan Goryugong.

“The first person I would like to introduce is Master Bok Yeon-hwa. “I will deal with him with his sword, Gyeongpyeonsohaegeom.”

Tak Buyong circled around Han Ibi for a moment and stood guard.

Tak Buyong said.

“What are you doing? “Are you trying to joke with me?”

Han Ibi said with a smile.

“No, there seems to be a big misunderstanding. This is the basic martial art of the Cheongseong faction. “You may know better than me, but Cheongseongdo was originally a sacred place for Taoism, where shamans competed against each other.”

Then Tak Buyong snorted and said.

“In the past, the results speak for themselves.”

“yes. You’re right. Let’s talk about the results. So come on!”

Han Yi Fei was still standing in a horseback riding position, holding the Hanzo sword.

A brief standoff followed.

The one who broke it was Tak Bu-yong.

He jumped in at lightning speed and radiated the herbivorous dance meridian of Yangyi Sword Technique.



Tak Bu-yong’s body swayed with a loud sound.

The core of the skillful Yangyi sword technique has been cut off with just a simple upper thrust.

However, Tak Buyong turned his sword again and released a herbivorous attack of Hyukcheonbyeonggeon.


Zhuo Buyong’s body tilted again.

This was because he lost his balance due to Han Ibi’s mid-cut.

Only then did Tak Buyong realize the seriousness of the situation.

Ebi Han said.

“The Gyeongpyeonsohaegeom is a condensed version of all martial arts. “The place where the martial arts of the world start.”

Then, he cast the Eight Trigrams and spun his body around to strike.

“And where all the crowds end! Hiding all changes in simplicity! In fact, isn’t this your Shaman faction’s thing?”

Han Ibi finally turned from focusing solely on defense to attacking.

Extremely simple thrusts and cuts led to a lightning-fast offensive.

At the same time, Tak Buyong was defending it… but he was not able to effectively respond to that simple attack.

This is because the Yangyi swordsmanship was based on the ‘most splendid and complex’ herbal swordsmanship that reached the level of the shaman’s extreme swordsmanship.

Han Yi-bi’s martial arts looked like those of a child, simple and childish…

Tak Bu-yong’s martial arts were complex and flashy, like Sinseon Play… but

sometimes the simplest things are the strongest.

After just a few rounds, Seunggi was handed over to Han Ibi.

And finally….


Zhuo Buyong’s side cracked and blood oozed out.

Ebi Han said.

“I will replace Master Fu’s message with this.”

However, despite the pain, Zhuo Buyong gathered his spirit and retreated backwards.

The next season that Tak Buyong took in was Taecheong Geombeop (太清劍法).

It was the original body of Taecheong swordsmanship that sublimated Taesangnogun’s doctrine into martial arts.

Dao (道) is like water, so it is an extremely relative martial arts attack that harmonizes with the opponent based on the flow of this water.

Then, the Gyeongpyeonsohaegeom was no longer able to exert as much power as before.

It used to be that the more complex the opponent, the more effective it was, but…

Now, through the Taecheong sword technique, simple attacks combined with the opponent’s basic knowledge began to flow in.

Therefore, Han Yi-bi had no choice but to be greatly intimidated by Zhuo Bu-yong’s offensive, which, in addition to his experience and innocence, was also accompanied by evil spirit.


Han Yi-bi’s sword staggered greatly after receiving an accidental blow during the Taecheong sword technique harvesting ceremony.

At the same time, he was almost pierced through the head by Zhuo Buyong’s sword blade.

Han Ibi, who almost fell, immediately put her left hand on the ground and soared into the sky to escape the danger.

“Hey. After all, non-partisans are non-partisans. “It’s a sword technique that changes dramatically depending on the opponent’s herbivory!”

Han Ibi continued speaking while wiping the sweat from her forehead with her sleeve.

“I think it’s time to experiment with the newly learned sword technique.”

However, Zhuo Bu-yong paid no heed and used Tae-cheong’s tricks again to expand his offensive.

Han Yi-bi was now dodging the Taecheong sword technique by brilliantly stepping on the eight trigrams, which were divided into 32 trigrams.

Han Ibi said while moving her steps diligently.

“There’s someone else who wants to see you. “That boy with gray hair.”

Tak Buyong said.

“joy. He is just an old monster. You crazy guy. “Now that you have released him, how can we handle the troubles that will befall Gangho?”

Han Ibi said with a chuckle.

“At least he doesn’t have a knife hidden in his stomach. “The old monster who is putting Gangho in trouble is not Jangju Fung, but you!”

While doing so, Han Ibi activated the Mubong Sword Technique.

Movong sword method.

It literally means ‘without stitch marks’.

It is a great law in itself.

It is another luxury martial art that embodies the principles of non-existence and inaction through Pung Woo-baek’s enlightenment.

At that moment, Han Yi Fe held out her Hanzo sword.

Tak Buyong also fought back using Taecheong swordsmanship.

However, Hanzo Sword seemed to change the sword path and then went back the same way.

Then, Taecheong Geombeop, which had come out to meet and overthrow it, lost its way and disappeared into space.

At that moment, Geomsik came out again.

Literally no salary!

How to hold a sword, how to rest a sword, how to hold a sword, how to throw away a sword, how to retrieve a sword.

All of these movements were transformed into one gigantic herbivore and melted into the dharma ceremony leading to the beginning and end of this world.

So there is no room for Taecheong Swordsmanship to intervene!

The attribute of Taecheong Sword Technique is water.

Water changes its appearance depending on the partner…

This is the beauty of the Sangseon Yaksu that Taesangnogun talks about.

But the fact that there is no one to fit in means….


With a loud sound, Zhuo Buyong’s sword body trembled.

Tak Bu-yong retreats three steps.

However, even this gap was an extension of martial arts for Mubonggeombeop.

Han Yi-bi immediately followed the four steps and put pressure on Zhuo Bu-yong.

Let’s move forward.

Choshik, who was bold and courageous in the martial arts technique, but also continued without any leaks, overwhelmed Zhuo Bu-yong.

But at some point,

Tak Buyong violently shook off the attack and took refuge.

Tak Bu-yong said with a chuckle.

“Is it just this much? “This is nothing more than a rough martial art created in accordance with our Taegeuk sword technique.”

He gently grabbed the blade and slowly turned it back around.

“Let me tell you what aid is.”

Tak Buyong began drawing a huge, smooth circle with his sword.


This is the Taegeuk Sword Technique, the highest peak of Shamanism.

He slowly narrowed his steps towards Han Ibi.

Han Ibi went against the Taegeuk sword technique using the martial arts sword technique ‘Baekya Tacheon (白夜打天)’.

The competition between the ultimate archetype and the secularized archetype.

Originally, the two martial artists were in sync.

One is the temple of Jang Sam-bong, which can be said to be the best peak in the world.

Another is the Mubong Sword Technique, recorded by the secret master Pung Woo-baek.

It was a martial art created by two geniuses through their respective realizations about Taoism….

Their abilities could be said to be virtually world-class.

So the difference came from the maturity and experience of the caster.

And that was an unfavorable factor for Han Ibi, who had just learned the martial arts sword technique.

A fierce battle that lasted for tens of seconds.

As a result of this bloody fight, which to other people would have seemed like just a prank of swinging the sword wildly…

In the end, Han Ibi ended up with a sword wound on her thigh.

“Do you mean that it is difficult to ignore skill level?…”

However, Han Ibi still said without losing her smile.

“…Then I guess it’s time for another master to appear. Isn’t that right, Takbuyong?”

(Continued in the next part)

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Possessing a Murim Clan’s Youngest Son

Possessing a Murim Clan’s Youngest Son

Murim Possesses The Youngest Son
Score 7
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Han Yibi, frustrated with his life and job, stumbles into a run down comic store only to find his father’s martial arts novel there. As he reaches the last page of the novel: “Will you… continue?” When I woke up, I thought I was a noble but… I became dirt poor again. I got the unlucky short end of the stick. The ruined Murim world too, also is a fool for pointing fingers at everyone for being insufficient. I have to take down the faceless demon to get home? Save the original story to yourself! Let’s just grow stronger and help the main character. That’s how I’ll get out of this world!


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